Wordle, created by Josh Wardle, went viral and inspired Squardle, a similar word game. "Squared Wordle" is a new take on the classic Wordle format that adds a third dimension. You'll learn the rules of squardle and get some helpful hints to help you out if you're having trouble with the game's increased difficulty compared to the classic wordle.
To participate, simply input a five-letter English word and hit the enter key. When you type a question, it will show up in a column and a row. Additionally, hints will be provided for each completed square. The squares of a given hue contain hints. Their definitions are provided below for your convenience.
You are given ten first guesses. A free guess will be awarded for each of the first five words for which you have filled in every space. If you can figure out all six clues, you win! The key aspect to remember is that the word is considered solved as soon as all of its letters turn green, regardless of whether or not any guesses were used. A game's final stages are shown off to the left. It appears that CUBIC is the correct final estimate, transforming the last two gray squares into green for a successful outcome.
If there is only one row or column where you don't have any green letters, you'll only ever have to guess in that area when playing Weekly Squardle. In this method, you won't have to guess the remaining squares of the word one by one and risk ruining your good start.
As soon as you guess this word, enter it and go on to the next. That's because the best way to win at Squardle without cheating is to acquire as much information as you can in the first two attempts, and then use the next four to try to guess the rest, leaving you with one last chance to solve squardle today.