Numberle is a math puzzle game inspired by Wordle, which became popular in early 2022. The main objective of the Numberle game is to correctly estimate the mathematical equation in six attempts. As you add your own equations, colored suggestions will appear to indicate how close you are to solving the puzzle; if all of the rows are highlighted in green, you have won! This game is ideal for brain training while also having fun with your buddies.
Simply enter any valid equation to find hints to begin the game. You will have a total of six attempts to estimate the target equation. You can use numbers (0-9) and arithmetic signs (+ - * / =) to calculate.
Determine the numbers and signs in the equation.
If any numbers or arithmetic signs appear in the target equation but are in the wrong position, they will be marked in brown. If there are numbers or signs in the equation and they are in the correct place, they will be highlighted in green. The gray tint indicates that certain numbers or signs do not appear in the equation.
Make an attempt to answer the target equation.
To win the game, you must correctly guess the equation (all spots are green). You may quickly post your results on social media at the end of the game, as well as copy the URL and challenge your friends!