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Morse is a game inspired by Wordle, but the gameplay is extremely new. You don't guess words by letters, instead by symbols encoded in Morse code. Try this new way of playing!

How to play

Start the game; you will not see the letters normally. Instead, Morse codes The characters require the player to understand their meaning to be able to guess the valid words. The player will have 3 tries, and after each guess, the colour of the tile will suggest the correct level of the encrypted secret word. One note is that the game only accepts guessed words of less than 13 characters, including spaces.

  • The symbol '−' in the blue box means the character is in the word and in the correct position.
  • The symbol '−' in the yellow box means the character is present in the word but in the wrong position.
  • The character '·' means that the character is not present in the word in any position.

If you want to play the traditional word guessing genre, and want more challenges you can try 32 Wordle.

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