Feudle is a hard and entertaining word-guessing game that puts players to the test not just on their vocabulary but also on their familiarity with frequent search terms and their ability to form accurate guesses based on visual cues. The user has six chances to guess the word and receives visual feedback to help them narrow down their choices. Enjoy!
The player's turn begins when they type in a search query containing a key word, like "How to Make a." The player's goal is to complete the search using the autocomplete feature of Google by predicting the correct term. The player is presented with an incomplete search query based on a given phrase, and it is up to them to correctly finish the question using the words shown by Google's autocomplete feature. The player is given the option of guessing letters by clicking on tiles with certain letters at the screen's bottom.
Each wrong guess results in a strike, and players get six chances to get the sentence right. When a player correctly guesses a letter in a word, the tile corresponding to that letters is filled in. If the player predicts a letter that does not occur in the word, a hangman image will show on the screen. With six strikes, the game is over for that player. The game's tiles stand in for the letters of the target word. Each horizontal row of tiles represents one letter of the word.