To find a more challenging Wordle clone, you may be asking. Wordle's offshoot, Don't Wordle, will leave your head spinning. The only difference between Don't Wordle and Wordle is that it generates negative results. Isn't that strange? Now is the time to sign up for Don't Wordle and find out some truly fascinating information!
The goal of the game Wordle is to correctly predict a five-letter word within six tries. The point of Don't Wordle is to have the player NOT guess the word. The catch is that when trying new words, you must take into account what you already know from previous guesses.
When a letter is correctly guessed, it must appear in the same spot in all subsequent guesses (green). When a letter is guessed correctly but in the wrong location (yellow), the next guess must include the letter in a different position (green). Gray: Unusable after correct placement and elimination of letters.
After each guess, the number of potential solutions that are still correct will be displayed at the top of the page, and it will continue to decrease. If the total is incorrect, click "UNDO" to start over. Mind your step! Even if you still have some UNDOs left after entering the Wordle word by accident, the game will end immediately.
How do you feel about taking on difficult tasks? You can take your puzzle-solving skills to the next level with games like Quordle, Octordle, Dordle, and Sedecordle if you enjoy Wordle. Wordle's visual style is shared by all four of these games, but there are more rows, columns, and words to decipher in each of them. Dordle requires you to decipher not one but two words simultaneously. You can do a Quordle by dividing into groups of four. Sedecordle has an enormous sixteen, while Octordle only has eight. Success to you!