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Take part in the word-guessing challenge in Carle. This is a variation of the popular word game Wordle, which requires players to identify a secret word in six tries. With color hints for you to narrow down and deduce the exact secret word. The game is a place for players to practice their vocabulary and logic skills. Have fun!

How to play

In this game, players will see a completely new interface, different from the traditional word game. However, its gameplay is similar to Wordle; your task is to make predictions about the secret word in six tries. Each attempt is a valid 5-letter word. After submitting a word, the game will provide feedback on the accuracy level through the changing box color.

  • If the box turns green, the letter is in the correct position.
  • If the box turns yellow, the letter is correct but is in the wrong position.
  • If the cell turns gray, the letter is wrong and does not appear in the word.

Rely on the color of the box to make an analysis and logical inferences to help you predict the secret word more closely. This helps you eliminate incorrect possibilities and gradually refine your abilities to guess the secret word. Invite your friends to join, and challenge them to see who can find the secret word the fastest.

If you like this game, and are looking for a different challenge, try Foxdle. Have fun!



WORDLEVERSE THEME brain logic crossword word-search guess letters search
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