Boardle, like the popular word game Wordle, is a free, daily chess puzzle. You have five chances to figure out the solution to the challenge by making the best possible sequence of moves for both players.
Like chessle and other chess wordle variants, as you play the game, your estimates will fill in the tiles below the chessboard using standard algebraic notation (SAN). Fill out all of the tiles and then click the "Submit" button. The color of the tiles will change depending on how close you get to the correct answer. The solution includes the correct placement of the move Rxh2+. The solution includes the move Nb1, but it is in the wrong position. The solution does not include the other possible steps.
Keep in mind that the SAN must be entered exactly for a transaction to be considered correct. The expressions Qxa8# and Qxa8 are not equivalent. If you're unfamiliar with SAN and would like some clarification, check out this guide to chess notation.