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If you're looking for a new twist on the classic word search, try Antiwordle. Because of how easy it is to participate, this pastime has quickly gained popularity. Try not to guess the secret word for as long as possible. It's really difficult to identify today's hidden word in the keyword since the programme simply intercepts your letters and pushes you to try to arrange them in the correct order. Talk about it with your pal!

How to play

The new word game provides fewer hints to help you figure out what the word is. Try not to guess the secret word for as long as possible. If you choose a letter that isn't in the word, that option will be disabled for future usage and will be greyed out. A letter in the word will turn yellow if you guess it, and you'll have to use it. If you place a letter in its correct location, it will turn red and become immovable. This makes it so that it is now incredibly challenging to find the concealed word in Antiwordle. In order to force you to use the correct letter order, the programme simply blocks the letters you've previously used. Get on Antiwordle right away to take part in the latest and greatest challenges.

Rule of Antiwordle

  1. When a letter is highlighted in red at the beginning of the appropriate term, you must use that letter there.
  2. If a letter is highlighted in yellow, it must be used in the subsequent word, but not in the same position as it appeared in the previous word.
  3. The grayed-out letters cannot be used in the next term because you now know they do not exist.
  4. In Antiwordle, defeat is the desired outcome.
PUZZLE WORDLEVERSE VARIATIONS brain skill logic crossword word-search quiz guess letters
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